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What is the difference between aluminum alloy die casting and casting?

Aluminum alloy die casting and casting are two common processing methods of aluminum products, each with its own advantages and characteristics.

1. die casting

Die casting is a technique in which metal is melted and then filled into a mold under high pressure to cool and solidify. For aluminum alloys, die casting can produce parts with fine surfaces, high precision, and complex shapes, making it widely used in various industries such as automotive, electronics, and appliances.


1.High precision of products: Due to the closed mold during the filling and cooling process, die-cast products have high dimensional stability and precision.


2.Good surface quality: Since die-cast parts require minimal additional machining, they can maintain excellent surface smoothness.


3.Ability to cast complex-shaped products: The high pressure during die casting allows for the accurate casting of even complex or thin-walled parts.


However, die casting also has its disadvantages. For example, due to the high pressure requirements, molds need to meet higher standards, resulting in relatively higher production costs. Additionally, the high-pressure filling of liquid aluminum can lead to the formation of internal gas porosity, affecting the overall density of the casting.

2. Casting

Casting is the melting of aluminum alloy into the mold, with its own weight or low pressure into the mold and cooling hardening, so it is also known as gravity casting. Compared with die casting, this method is suitable for the production of small scale and simple shape products.


1. Low investment cost: Because the pressure is low, the requirements for the mold are small, so the mold production investment is low.

2. Simple operation: there is no need for complex die casting equipment in the casting process, and the requirements for operation technology are also low.

3. It is not easy to produce internal pores: liquid aluminum is filled under self-weight or low pressure, less internal pores are produced, and the full density of the casting is better.

However, for casting, due to slow heat dissipation, it is easy to make the internal grain of the casting large, resulting in a decrease in strength; At the same time, due to the inability to manufacture complex shapes, its applications are relatively few.


In summary, aluminum alloy die casting and casting have their own advantages and application occasions, which way to choose mainly depends on the specific requirements of the product and production conditions.



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E-mail: info@gdaa-cn.com


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