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US aluminium crude metals and alloys imports show a slight improvement in September 2023

In September 2023, the US aluminium crude metals and alloys imports stood at 309,000 tonnes, reflecting a month-on-month increase of 9.2 per cent from 283,000 tonnes. But despite the hike, the import volume in September could not match the amount in July 2023. In July, the imports were recorded at 331,000 tonnes, which fell in the succeeding month by 14.5 per cent to 283,000 tonnes.

    US aluminium crude metals and alloys imports

In Q3 2023, the United States aluminium crude metals and alloys imports amounted to 923,000 tonnes, down by 18.1 per cent from 1.127 million tonnes.

Evaluating the United States’ aluminium crude metals and alloys imports over the past six months, it is to be noted that the import volume started shrinking month-on-month since June 2023. In June, the import volume stood at 345,000 tonnes – 15.23 per cent less than 407,000 tonnes in May.

In the first nine months of 2023, the United States aluminium crude metals and alloys imports totalled 2.91 million tonnes, down by 7.9 per cent from 3.16 million tonnes during the corresponding period of the previous year.

On a year-on-year calculation, the United States imports in September 2023 edged a downfall of 8,000 tonnes or 2.52 per cent from 317,000 tonnes.

Canada, the highest exporter of aluminium crude metals and alloys to the United States, supplied 210,000 tonnes in September 2023 compared to 221,000 tonnes in August 2023 and 200,000 tonnes in September 2022. That reflected a month-on-month fall of 4.98 per cent and a year-on-year rise of 5 per cent.

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Contact: Manager:Miss Carrie

Phone: +8615118781873

E-mail: info@gdaa-cn.com


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